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Dawson and Rosenthal

Category: Insurance Claims

What is the Role of an Insurance Adjuster?

Insurance Claims – November 1, 2022

Insurance adjusters, often employed by insurance companies, are trained to evaluate damages to property and personal injuries. They consider the extent of injuries or damages and make an informed recommendation to the insurance company about how to settle claims. In short, insurance adjusters determine the liability the insurance agency has in given situations. What’s Expected… read more

Examples of Catastrophic Losses

Bad Faith Insurance,Insurance Claims – October 17, 2022

Catastrophes, as defined in the insurance industry, refer to severe disasters for which claims are expected to reach a high dollar value. Catastrophic losses are of critical concern for many as entire families’ lives are completely upended by destruction, leaving their financial situation completely in question. For more information about catastrophic losses in regards to… read more

What is a Loss Payable Clause?

Insurance Claims – September 20, 2022

Insurance is frequently a minefield of confusion and uncertainty, saddling people with contracts that they may not fully comprehend at no fault of their own. One of these mind-boggling attributes is the loss payable clause. To learn more about loss payable clauses and what they mean for you and your family, reach out to a… read more

Common Insurance Scams to Be Aware Of

Insurance Claims – September 20, 2022

Insurance scams are abundant in an ever-changing, modernizing world. Every day, more and more people fall victim to financial criminals hoping to make a quick buck off an unsuspecting victim. To learn more about fraud schemes, reach out to a San Diego insurance attorney as soon as possible.  The Insurance Scams Plaguing California Insurance scams… read more

What is “Duty to Defend”?

Insurance Claims – July 8, 2022

Did you know that your insurance carrier is typically required to defend you if someone makes a claim that is covered by the insurance policy? It is important to understand what the insurance carrier’s “duty to defend” actually is. Here, we want to define what this means and examine how this would apply in various… read more